64 bit branch merged into CVS HEAD
Corinna Vinschen
2013-04-23 09:50:35 UTC
Hi guys,

I just merged the 64 bit code into CVS HEAD, so any further development
will be done exclusively in HEAD. The cygwin-64bit-branch is now closed.
Please don't apply any changes there.

For bookkeeping I added a tag "cygwin-64bit-premerge" before merging,
then I created a branch "cygwin-64bit-premerge-branch" from there,
should it be necessary to do anything in the 32 bit-only code. After
the merge I added a tag "cygwin-64bit-postmerge".

Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat